Flexibility and reliability since 1991

Company basic information

This company, founded in 1996, is 100% Hungarian owned and operates as an auditor under the rights given by the relevant Hungarian authorities, according to the current Hungarian legislation.

  • Auditing registration number: KE-0662/96/V;
  • Professional association (Chamber of Hungarian Auditors) number: 000088

References from "Chamber of Hungarian Auditors":

  • All our auditors are professionally recognized and registered members of the Hungarian Chamber of Auditors.
  • KM002211 budgetary control auditing certification
  • T-000088/97 certification for auditing financial institutions

Directors and company executives

  • Villányi András – General Director and CEO
  • Suchanyecz Ádámné – Director
  • Gáspárné Farkas Ágota – Director

Our core services

  • Financial auditing, including auditing of budgets and financial institutions
  • Prudential auditing
  • Financial counseling; accounting and tax advice
  • Assessment of assets; asset management consulting
  • Transparency review of public institutions and private businesses; focusing on strategic asset management and governance
  • Counseling and advice on how to establish or liquidate businesses
  • Effectivenes and productivity reviews and related consulting
  • Transparency analysis
  • IT systems auditing

The major part of our business deals with financial, accounting, and tax counseling; as well as controlling and auditing in the financial field.

Our company is covered by up to 100 million HUF professional liability insurance, per annum, with Allianz Hungária Biztosító Zrt.

Continuous auditing, counseling and tax advice

We are ready to help you with highly qualified and experienced professional staff if you require continuous auditing and tax consulting services for your company. In addition, our employees are accessible throughout the whole process in order to assist in any way, and to ensure that the business area they are auditing meets all legal requirements.

Complex financial and accounting auditing, on-site

When conducting on-site financial and accounting auditing, our main concerns are the followings: keeping to deadlines set by clients; keeping to legal government deadlines, and making sure that all other legal requirements have been followed relating to the work we are auditing. Our reports are written based only on that part of the business we have audited.

Auditing and monitoring of IT systems

Our IT auditors have international (CISA) accreditation and they are able to do complex IT systems auditing (analysis, monitoring, professional evaluation). During IT auditing, we also monitor and evaluate the IT systems of a business in order to measure effectiveness and security as they relate to operational and legal requirements.