Company basic information
This company, founded in 1996, is 100% Hungarian owned and operates as an auditor under the rights given by the relevant Hungarian authorities, according to the current Hungarian legislation.
- Auditing registration number: KE-0662/96/V;
- Professional association (Chamber of Hungarian Auditors) number: 000088
References from "Chamber of Hungarian Auditors":
- All our auditors are professionally recognized and registered members of the Hungarian Chamber of Auditors.
- KM002211 budgetary control auditing certification
- T-000088/97 certification for auditing financial institutions
Directors and company executives
- Villányi András – General Director and CEO
- Suchanyecz Ádámné – Director
- Gáspárné Farkas Ágota – Director
The major part of our business deals with financial, accounting, and tax counseling; as well as controlling and auditing in the financial field.
Our company is covered by up to 100 million HUF professional liability insurance, per annum, with Allianz Hungária Biztosító Zrt.